What is Meritage?
Meritage wines are provocative red or white wines crafted solely
from specific "noble" Bordeaux grape varieties and are considered
to be the very best wines of the vintage.
Meritage, pronounced like heritage, first appeared in the late
1980s after a group of American vintners joined forces to create a
name for New World wines blended in the tradition of Bordeaux. The
word was selected from more than 6,000 entries in an international
contest. Meritage combines "merit," reflecting the quality of the
grapes, with "heritage," which recognizes the centuries-old
tradition of blending, long considered to be the highest form of
the winemaker's art.
Meritage wines are growing in popularity and are currently the
second fastest growing wine category in the industry. They are
highly regarded for their aging potential, yet are completely
approachable in their youth.
Many Meritage wines have proprietary names in addition to, or
rather than, Meritage. In order to obtain a license and use the
term Meritage on a label, a wine must meet certain criteria.